Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The night of 400 votes in the Senate

Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seats because I have an important announcement: The United States Senate has passed a budget. I know, I know -  it hasn't happened in four years, so we all thought we'd be more likely to see February 29th again on the calendar before we saw another passed budget, but it actually happened.  Here's the skinny:

In the wee hours of a Saturday morning vote, over 400 proposed budget amendments were passed, eight of which were healthcare related. They serve as a solid indicator as to where some members stand on popular issues and what types of legislation are likely to be introduced in this Congress.

In terms of healthcare, Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) proposed an amendment (#144) that was then passed by a voice vote that would "restore a sensible definition of full-time employee for purposes of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act."

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) proposed an amendment that would repeal the medical device tax (#297) component of PPACA. This idea has historically received bipartisan public support, passed the Senate in a 79-20 vote.

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) proposed a budget amendment that eventually passed by a voice vote that would repeal the $2,500 federal cap on flexible spending account contributions and the requirement that individuals must have a prescription form from their physician before purchasing an over-the-counter drug with their account funds.

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) introduced an amendment that would expand oral and dental healthcare, which also passed by a voice vote.

Amendments that sought to repeal the healthcare reform law, allow employers to opt out of contraception coverage, place restrictions on illegal immigrants who gain legal status from accessing the health law, a prohibition on funds to advertise the health law, and a ban on the health law's taxes on low and middle-income Americans all failed during the night of more than 400 votes.

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