Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How will my kids be covered?

Kids and young adults are guaranteed to have the same access to quality healthcare under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


Based on household income, children might qualify for Medicaid coverage in their state.

Medicaid is a low-cost or no-cost insurance for low income families. Historically, Medicaid qualification was under 100% Federal Poverty Level (FPL), but the new Health Reform law called for Medicaid to be expanded to include more people (incomes up to 138% FPL).

Not all states chose to expand Medicaid, though, so check with Medicaid.gov for eligibility and applying for coverage.


The Children's Health Insurance Program, referred to as CHIP, provides health coverage for nearly 8 million children whose family incomes are too high for Medicaid but still can't afford private insurance. Visit Medicaid.gov for more information on CHIP in your state.

Covered on parent plan until age 26

Young adults can be covered on their parents' health insurance plan up to age 26 under the new law. It doesn't matter if the child is married or a student,  he or she can still be a dependent on his/her parent's health plan until age 26.

Private Insurance 

Young adults age 19 or older can also have their own insurance - either through their job or by enrolling in a private plan.

Young adults might qualify for lower premiums or lower out-of-pocket expenses on insurance plans purchased through the exchange. It is based on income to keep it affordable for you.

"Catastrophic" Plans

If you are younger than 30 years old, you could get a catastrophic plan through the exchange, in addition to the four other choices: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Learn more about the "catastrophic" plan here.

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